- Friends for Nepal - Himalayan Development
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- Erfahrungen von Jonas Amborn (englisch)
Erfahrungen von Jonas Amborn (englisch)
Hello! I am Jonas, a 20 year old german. After I finished high school I started traveling. I have been working and living in Australia for several months and before I came to Nepal I visited Indonesia. I arrived at the Dolphin Magic School at the 2nd of last December. I have been heartly welcomed by the community members and the Austrian volunteers Bernhard and Sabine showed me around.
Just on my second day at the school, I decided to go with Manish, Mahesh, Kundun and Brabhin to Bakthapur to help them removing wood from Manishs old house there, which was destroyed by the earthquake in 2015. We have been camping next to the house and even though we worked hard we had so much fun and it was an amazing experience with my new Nepali friends.
When we came back I needed to rescue from a little food poison, but then I was finally able to start my work at DMS. I communicated a lot with Rewant, our music teacher who helped me very much during my stay and I started to give drum lessons to children. I have been playing the drums for several years and gained some experience in teaching music back home in Germany, as I gave piano lessons to children for a few months. But in Nepal it was very different. We started the class with four children and I was wondering if this would be going to be a little bit chaotic, because only one student can play at a time and the other ones had to wait for their turn. But fortunately it was not like this at all – the children surprised me with their cooperation. Everyone was willing to learn and work concentrated. Due to their passion for the instrument they learned really quickly. After the first few lessons the students shared their knowledge and teached each other. It worked awesome like this, the small pupils can be great teachers and I focussed more on teaching them some new rhythm and techniques from while to while, instead of standing next to them all the time. More and more children came day by day to make some music and we also discovered some basics on the keyboard together.
Even though the students are attending six lessons in school each day we ended up practicing for up to another one or two hours in the music class after school. To see their ambition and joy for music was wonderful.
Beside this I wrote down the articles for the newsletter of last December, which already had been prepared by Manish and Rewant, translated them into German and added pictures.
I had an incredible time at DMS, I met so many lovely people who treated me nicely and made me feel like a part of the community. I enjoyed breakfast and dinner with “Mami” and the children of the “Bird’s Nest”, the breathtaking view of the Himalaya, the evenings we spend all together in Suresh’s house and the many interesting impressions of a great school in another country with a different culture that gave me new insights and new inspiration.
I am very grateful for having been able to participate in this project.
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- Bauteilaktion
- Patenschaft
- Volunteer
- Volontärbericht von Nicole
- Bericht von Sarah Spendlingwimmer und Fabian Rieger
- Abschlussbericht Volontariat Nepal Christoph Sniesko
- Freiwilligeneinsatz in Lama Gaon von Sebastian und Susanne
- Zwischenbericht Freiwilligen-Einsatz Friends for Nepal
- Doumentation von Sabine und Bernhard
- Erfahrungen von Jonas Amborn (englisch)
- Bericht von Christina und Lucas
- Hilfreiche Tipps von Christine und Florian
- Ein Bericht von Camillia (englisch)
- Bericht von Julius
- Spendenboxen für die Zukunft von Kindern
- CD "Open your heart"
Eure Patenkinder
Partner & Sponsoren
CD Open Your Heart von ReSonare
Aussergewöhnliche Musik, die Achtsamkeit & Liebe schafft